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Speaker | Into The Light with Laura Louise


Laura Louise is one of PeopleMavens Fantastic Public Speakers.

She was recommended due to her ability to break down the walls of unforgiveness. She shares her personal stories with passion and vulnerability. She discusses being molested, over consuming alcohol, exploding with anger, sex manipulation and coming into an awareness that forgiveness is the key to happiness.

“I am honored to be nominated by my pears. My desire is to help people break out of spiritual prison and be free from past hurt and shame.”

Speaking Topics:

  • The power of forgiving a parent
    Did you know holding onto unforgiveness about your parents only hurts you? I share my personal story and how forgiveness changed my life.
  • Words have Power.
    Have you ever said, I can’t wait for this day to be over! How about that person was a jerk? Uncover how the words you speak impact your everyday life and how a few simple shifts can change your outcome
  • Did you bring your unforgiveness to work again?
    Decreased work performance, low productivity, poor health…can it be tied to unforgiveness? In two studies, forgiveness was linked to increased productivity and a decrease in absenteeism. In addition, people had fewer health problems like sadness, headaches, and stress. Let’s talk forgiveness!
  • You don’t need a facelift just forgive!
    Most people do not realize the power forgiveness can have on how you look. Did you know unforgiveness and holding on to anger can increase lines and wrinkles in the skin? Want to look younger and brighter, cleanse your unresolved feelings.


Available for:

General & Breakout Sessions
Executive Coaching


Laura Louise is a powerful mentor, author and speaker who is committed to helping people live a joyful life as she helps guide them through forgiveness, past hurts, and supports them in a powerful healing journey. Her talks discuss topics around forgiveness with a heart and a truth to really connect with people on an intimate level. Her dedication to break through the unforgiveness barrier is refreshing and powerful! Her ability to be transparent and vulnerable allows for an intimate connection as she shares her life’s experiences.
Laura Louise left home at 17 due to rebellion and anger, she moved from California to Georgia with a bag and an attitude full of rage. This move ended up driving a wedge of silence between her and her parents. This is where the isolation in her life began to become a comfortable silence, or so she thought!
After decades of hurt, resentment, and indifference she began to wonder if there could be more to life. She began a journey with God that changed the course of her life!
Laura Louise made the commitment to gain the insight, education and revelation to become a powerful healing coach and mentor. She holds a Bachelor of Science from Pepperdine University and a Master of Science from Azusa Pacific University.
When Laura Louise was working on her Masters’ Degree, she began to see the correlations between Servant Leadership and forgiveness. This led her to write her thesis on Servant Leadership and the correlation to organizational citizenship behaviors. The deeper she studied the traits of a servant, she discovered the importance of forgiveness in order to move forward in life. Laura Louise discovered we must first serve ourselves by learning how to forgive in order to serve others. The inability to see future outcomes keeps people bound in their own prison of unforgiveness and fear. To hold onto unforgiveness is to remain blind to the world.
Laura Louise, has empowered people to take their own personal journey to forgiveness, truth, strength and healing. She has a unique quality of connecting to her audience and ensures that they walk away with actionable strategies for positive change.
There is a continuous need for people to recognize their own unforgiveness and make the decision that will change their life for the better. In a time where we are seeing more shootings, tragedies, suicides and drug abuse people need to take a closer look at the individual level – beginning with self.
What can forgiveness do for me?
Forgiveness is for you not the other person. (Freedom)
~ Weak people hold onto unforgiveness, strong people let it go. (Strength)
       ~ Forgive yourself, forgiveness is not just for others. (self-love)
       ~ Help you become healthier and reduce health risks such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and stress to name a few. (Health)
      ~ Forgiveness can change how you handle everyday situations and bring you more joy, happiness, and peace. (Peace)

“Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die” by Marianne Williamson.
Contact Laura Louise for a memorable experience around the power of forgiveness for your next networking event,
corporate event, retreat, or show.


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