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Silence is not Golden | Into The Light with Laura Louise

Into the Light with Laura Louise introduces Sue, who shares her story of hurt when her mother stopped talking to her for an entire year because of a behavior she had done most of her adult life. There came a point where Sue’s mother just could not stand the behavior, she was engaging in so her mother cut off the communication. This isolation hurt Sue so she did what most people do when they are hurt, she poured her attention into her family and work. She did not face the pain and it only deepened. She got to a point where she knew the silence had to be broken. She came to the end of her silence and had to do something about it. She made the decision to go to her mother’s house and be honest about everything. This was an eight-hour day of pouring out emotions, everything from crying to laughter. By the end of the day the relationship began the journey to healing and forgiveness. Through this special day of forgiveness, truth and love a relationship began to be repaired. I am so happy for Sue and her mother as there are so many mothers and daughters who never get to be healed.

Sue also shared about a painful experience after her mother passed away where a piece of jewelry was promised to her but it was not given to her. Her step father (she called him Papa) was diagnosed with dementia. Unfortunately, he did not realize what he did because a person will lose their memory. This was a very painful experience for Sue as it was her mother’s wedding ring that was promised to her but she did not voice her truth. She did not speak her truth! She should have said, “Yes, please get the ring back as that was promised to me and my mother wanted me to have it”. The ring stayed with the person Sue’s Papa gave it to and heartache was what Sue had to work through. The heartache of not standing up for herself and allowing her voice to be heard.  May your voice be heard!

If you would like to know more about mentorship with Laura Louise you are invited to schedule a 30-minute free mentorship call.

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