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Be Open and Prepared to Forgive Others | Into The Light with Laura Louise

The strength of forgiveness is yours; you do not have to earn it. Activation is the key to the gifts that lay dormant inside of you.  There is power inside of you that has been untapped and maybe even unknown until today. Bring your truth forward and be healed in every way.  Do not be afraid of the next journey, for your strength is your weapon. Fear is no longer going to hold you back because today you have a testimony and hopefully you have begun to share your experience with others. The darkness is no longer your prison because you have walked in to the light. The journey continues and will to the end of your life, but the hardest forgiveness act (the first one) is over and you know what to expect.

There will be more people to forgive. The forgiveness journey will continue and it will be easier to handle the more you do it. My first person to forgive was my father which took many years to finally achieve. However, the next person, my mother only took a few months after forgiving my father. This time, I worked the steps and achieved healing. This one was much different because my mother had passed away so I did not get to spend the healing time with her. Of course, I wished I did because I had questions and wanted to know certain things but that was not gifted to me. I could only visualize what could have happened and find peace in that. I wrote my letters, cried, felt deep sorrow for the loss of time and came to a peaceful place of forgiveness. My mother loved me and I know she would have been sorry for all of the things that hurt me deeply. She loved me in her own way. Today as I reflect back, I see through meditation and reflection that the signs of forgiveness were there.

Your forgiveness journey will become easier the more you do it. In fact, it will take less time to identify who you need to forgive and work through the process. As we move through life, we will need to forgive bosses, coworkers, friends, and children because people will enviably act in their hurt. How we react to these situations will bring us more hurt or healing for our lives. Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling, make the decision to forgive and set yourself free.